A German Shepard named Cooper takes a journey from the safe comforts of his dog house to the high school that his owner, Kole, goes to.

    As it turns out, Kole likes this girl named Rose and there might be a chance she likes him too. (But Kole and Rose aren't the only ones "in love"...)

 Cooper explores Port Charlotte High School

By: Stephanie

Hi my name is Cooper and I’m a German shepherd. I left my cozy little dog house in my owner's yard to go for my morning walk when a smell came upon my nose in the Neighbor's yard, so I walked over to see what it was and what do you know it was a juicy red stake and no one was around so I thought that it was mine for the taking. I walked up and sniffed first, then took it and ate it happily in my dog house. After my belly was full of that fantastic stake, I left to say goodbye to my owner before he left for school, did I mention that he was in high school? After that the real story starts...

            As I said my owner was going to go to school right and all I was going to do was say good bye to him and then go on my morning walk right but, then he  put my leash on and took me over to the car, and he told me that it was "take your pet to school" day at his school, then put he me in the car. Afterward,  he left to get his back pack then, we were off. While he was driving, I looked out the window and I saw a mail man and went ballistic on him. Then I saw a squirrel and wanted to chase it. Then, finally, we made it to his school. He took me out of the car and brought me inside were I came face to face with the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life, a golden retriever named Lola. She had a beautiful pink collar around her neck and a little pink bow on her head. my owner was looking at the girl holding Lola's leash. She was ok i mean for a human her name was Rose and she had long blond hair and was wearing a purple blouse with jean shorts on and a pair of black high top Convers. My owner and i said hi to our girls and continud to his home room were i met a bird named Ice and a cat named Sassy. I know what ur thinking its a cat and im a dog were not suposto get a long well we did i do know there was just something about her that made me like her, we got into a conversation about how we eat fish and things like that. When i looked up at my owner he was gazing off into the sky and he had this look in his eye like he rilly wanted to sww someone. I new how it was to it was Rose he was in love and so was I. I was in love with Lola she was so gorgus she looked like an angle that had fallen from the hevens. I licked my owner ( koles ) hand and he woke from his day dream and gave me a kiss on my nose then wached the anoucements. After ward, we when to his first hour which was math. Lola was in this class i was happy to see her. Math was easy and so was stairing at Lola she had the most beautiful smile and her ears were so furry, oh I love the way she looks. Kole was geting every answer right and Rose was very impresed by how smart he was. I told Lola that i taught him every thing he knows and I did. I helped him to get better grades because Koles mom said that if he didn't get better grades then I was going to have to leave for ever and he would never see me agen. So after that Kole always did his homework and got good grades. But anuff about kole and me lets hear about Rose and Lola. Hello My name is Lola and I wanted to tell you about my self and my owner Rose... to be continud later

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